Star News Christmas Coverage

Ever since a friend first emailed me a link to St. Paul Arts & Media group’s incredibly cute re-telling of the Christmas story a few years ago, it feels like it almost wouldn’t be Christmas without something front the creative folks at St. Paul’s Church in Auckland, New Zealand. Totally unfair, of course, to keep assuming these folks will come up with more creative videos every year, let alone to have them make or break my Christmas. 🙂 And yet so far they have never disappointed.

This year’s effort is from St. Paul’s Arts ‘n Kids team (SPANK) and is a take on what media coverage might have been in the first century of the Emperor’s Census that then stumbles upon the story of Mary and Joseph and their baby by accident. Not only are almost all the actors kids, as is their habit, but this one was also written and directed by their youth as well. I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas!

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