Philippians 4:21-23

Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The friends who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, especially those of the emperor’s household. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

And then it’s over. Paul’s letter ends with the traditional two-fold pattern common to ancient correspondence: greetings to all from all, and a benediction.

Except it’s not really over. At this point Paul doesn’t know what his fate will be. He longs to see the Philippians again but has no assurance of that. He hopes to continue his work but is resigned – no, not really resigned but actually quite confident – that whether he lives or dies, Christ will be glorified.

And so while his conclusion is traditional, it is also both personal and imperative. Greet every saint – that is, each and every individual member – in the Philippian congregation for me, he writes. And know that these greetings come not only from me but from friends and associates with me and, indeed, from other Christians even here in this Roman outpost where I am imprisoned.

Paul may not only be conveying a wealth of greetings, reminding the Philippians of the many fellow believers with whom they are bound, but also emphasizing that he is not alone. He has other associates and friends caring for him and, more than that, who will carry on should he return to the Lord in death. Paul is not alone any more than the Philippians are alone, and together they will see the mission of God to love and save the world advanced. For while Paul’s witness may burn brighter than most, yet it is only one of a myriad of witnesses that together light the way forward into the world of God’s love and peace.

With that confidence, Paul ends with a word of benediction that naturally echoes how he began his letter, blessing his friends with God’s grace, grace that leads to a contented and confident peace whatever the future may hold.

Not a bad way to end, when you think of it. Or, for that matter, to begin.

Prayer: Dear God, let your grace enfold us in confidence and peace, that we may face the future knowing that wherever we may go, and whatever may befall us, you are there out ahead, beckoning us forward. In Jesus’ name, Amen.