Fear Feb04


What are you afraid of? Something happening to your kids? Losing your health? Not finding a job? What are you afraid of? Fear, of course, is something with which we’re all quite familiar. Too familiar. Why? In particular, why do we spend so much time being afraid when we live in a society...

Less = More

For a number of years, I’ve been increasingly fascinated – and simultaneously troubled by – a persistent contradiction I’ve noticed in my life: My knowledge and belief that more stuff doesn’t make me happy, on the one hand, versus my regular behavior acting as if it does. I don’t...

Making Up Words

I love words. Working with them, sharing my thoughts through them with others, receiving ideas and inspiration from others through them. Words are powerful. And I have to confess that, because I love words, I sometimes think I have to protect them. That is, I will admit that from time to time I get frustrated by made-up words, by what is often called a neologism (literally, “a new word”). For instance, and taking an example from my own line of work, I kind of despise the word “missional.” Even though I often use it. But it bothers me. There’s an inelegance to “missional,” I would argue, that is unnecessary and unhelpful, so why...

Resume or Eulogy?

I mentioned David Brooks’ short TED Talk last week when inviting us to avoid confusing titles with accomplishments, so I thought I would share it today. Brooks’ point is that there are two competing dimensions of our selves, one that seeks to build a career and strives for success – the kinds of things that look good on a resume – and one that seeks connection and love and wants to contribute to the common good – the kind of things that contribute to a good eulogy. It’s a reflective talk that reminds me a bit of a commencement address that that I think we can benefit from at any point of our lives. Note:...

ALS and the Courage to Ask Dec03

ALS and the Courage to Ask

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday. Lots and lots of us made gifts to various charitable organization – relief agencies, social ministries, colleges, seminaries, animal shelters, our congregations, and more. But did you ever wonder what inspires generosity? Or – and we probably talk about this less – have you ever wondered what inspires the people who ask you to be generous? That’s an interesting question, because if you’ve never done that – asked someone to give of their time, energy, or money – you might not realize how challenging that can be. It can also be wonderful, and we’ll get to that, but it’s also challenging. Why?...