Big History Oct29

Big History

I love David Christian’s concept of teaching “big history.” And by big, he means, really, really big. In this TED Talk, he narrates the history of the universe in 18 minutes. Why? To invite us to place our lives, dreams, hopes, setbacks, and struggles into the largest...

The “Missing Third” of Leadership

Although Susan Colantuono TED Talk is pitched particularly to women, it’s something men and women can profit from…and especially in the church. Colantuono talks about the “missing third” of leadership. She makes the case that, particularly when it comes to the advice given to women in middle management positions, we’re clear that it’s important to develop one’s own skills and talent, and we’re clear that it’s also important to develop our networks and relationships. But we don’t always value another essential dimension of leadership – that is, how to follow through on...

One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Okay, so this post is probably more for me than you, as I regularly have a hard time getting anywhere near eight hours of sleep. At my best, I value sleep and at least try to get a decent night’s rest. At my worst I resent the need for sleep and wish I could do without. Except this isn’t just my problem, I know. We live in a world that is constantly and chronically under-slept and operates on the verge of exhaustion. That can’t be good – for us as individuals or as a society. Where did we get the idea that a full life is a life with no rest, no Sabbath, not time to stop and refresh? I’m not sure, but I think that somewhere down...

Thinking You’re Ugly is Hazardous to Your Health Oct08

Thinking You’re Ugly is Hazardous to Your He...

I’ve written before on Dove’s Self-Esteem project and the creative videos they have produced inviting us to examine our notions of beauty. This movement isn’t without its critics. And, indeed, we need to think critically and carefully about a campaign related to beauty sponsored by a company (Unilever) that sells hygiene and beauty products. At the same time, even as we offer critical feedback, we need, I think, to take seriously the underlying concerns Unilever is unearthing and responses they are suggesting. Which brings me to this very well done – and for this reason also troubling and inspiring – TED Talk by Meaghan Ramsey,...

Starting With “Why”

This will sound like a rather odd recommendation, but here it is. I find Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, a little full of himself. I’d heard the advice to start with questions of purpose and passion years ago, well before he wrote his book, so the idea that he invented or came up with all this is, well, a bit much. And his work with brain science feels at the same time both oversimplified and overstated. Finally, while he may be a perfectly lovely human being, he comes across as a bit self-important. Having said all that, I’d still encourage you to watch his TED Talk, based on his...