Behind the Scenes With Kid President Feb15


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Behind the Scenes With Kid President

Kid President has taken the nation by storm. His “pep talk” has had more than 10 million views in the last month and many of his other videos – all designed, as he says, to make grown-ups less boring and the world a better place – have had a wide viewing.

But who is Kid President? Turns out, it’s an eight year old boy by the name of Rob. Actually, he goes by Robbie (and not “the Robster,” as you’ll discover). (His last name has been withheld…by his mom.)

The other guy behind Kid President is the videographer, producer, and friend, Brad. (I’m not sure who’s withholding Brad’s last name!)

But it’s more complicated than that. Robbie has “osteogenesis imperfecta,” which means, as he explains, that he “breaks easy.” But rather than be discouraged by the multiple breaks (over 70) he’s had so far, the various casts he’s had to wear, or the other limitations that go with this kind of condition, Robbie, with a little help from his friends, decided to make some videos for fun and then use them to cheer everyone else up. More than that, the videos were made to spread a dream: inspire people to make the world better!

The videos became instantly popular and were picked up by the creative folks at Soul Pancake. And the rest, as they say, is history. To watch Robbie and Brad tell their story in their own words, click below for 4 and a half awesome minutes of “The True Story of Kid President.”

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