First Followers

As long as we’re talking about leaders – with reference to Benjamin Zander’s stunning TEDTalk – let’s not forget followers. Zander didn’t; that’s why he clapped for the people listening to him play. Nor does Mark – as in the Evangelist Mark – with his story of Andrew, Simon, James and John, Jesus’ first followers that we considered in today’s Daily Bread devotional.

Derek Sivers has an interesting and important take on followers in this short TEDTalk (no, it’s not Wednesday, but I couldn’t resist). In in he not only talks about the importance of followers – leaders, after all, look pretty silly without them – but in particular about the importance of “first followers” – the ones who follow the leader first, signally to other interested but perhaps more cautious types that its okay, even beneficial or helpful or cool, to follow.

So, if you’re a leader, the question becomes, how are you tending those critical first followers? Are you reaching out to people and inviting them to join you in your cause, activity, mission? How? What can you do to make it more inviting and, even more important, communicate to those first followers just how vital they are? And, if in this particular moment you’re a follower, do you know the  power your wield, and are you wielding it wisely, following someone or something you believe others should follow as well?

I found Derek’s premise fascinating and, quite frankly, fun to watch him think it through with us. I hope you do to.