3rd Sunday of Lent

Jesus, you entered the Temple and disrupted business as usual because once you’d come there was no returning to “the usual.”

Jesus, you entered the Temple and overturned tables because nothing could remain untouched by the grace you embodied.

Jesus, you entered the Temple and demanded an end to sacrifice because you were and are the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Jesus, you entered the Temple and declared that God could not be contained by buildings wrought of human hands because you are the Word of God made flesh and you bear God’s presence to the world.

Dear Jesus, we ask that you would enter our churches, our homes, our communities, and our very lives…and do the same. Disrupt our lives by your grace and overturn our plans by your mercy, put an end to all that is foolish and vain in our lives, and bear to us the living presence of God that we might have life and have it abundantly.

In your name we pray, Amen.


Post image: Boris Olshansky, Jesus and the Moneychangers (2006)