ALS and the Courage to Ask Dec03

ALS and the Courage to Ask

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday. Lots and lots of us made gifts to various charitable organization – relief agencies, social ministries, colleges, seminaries, animal shelters, our congregations, and more. But did you ever wonder what inspires generosity? Or – and we probably talk about this less – have you ever wondered what inspires the people who ask you to be generous? That’s an interesting question, because if you’ve never done that – asked someone to give of their time, energy, or money – you might not realize how challenging that can be. It can also be wonderful, and we’ll get to that, but it’s also challenging. Why?...

One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Okay, so this post is probably more for me than you, as I regularly have a hard time getting anywhere near eight hours of sleep. At my best, I value sleep and at least try to get a decent night’s rest. At my worst I resent the need for sleep and wish I could do without. Except this isn’t just my problem, I know. We live in a world that is constantly and chronically under-slept and operates on the verge of exhaustion. That can’t be good – for us as individuals or as a society. Where did we get the idea that a full life is a life with no rest, no Sabbath, not time to stop and refresh? I’m not sure, but I think that somewhere down...

Mental Health Break: “Exasperating!” Oct10

Mental Health Break: “Exasperating!”

It’s Friday, the end of a long week, and time for a mental health break and a little humor via Ellen Degeneres and a video of the reaction of a four-year old to the news that he would soon have another new sibling. After watching the first video, including Ellen’s interview with him, you can also watch when Ellen shares a surprise with him and is mom. Heart-warming indeed! Have a great weekend!     If you are receiving this post by email, you may need to click the title at the top of the post in order to watch the...

Thinking You’re Ugly is Hazardous to Your Health Oct08

Thinking You’re Ugly is Hazardous to Your He...

I’ve written before on Dove’s Self-Esteem project and the creative videos they have produced inviting us to examine our notions of beauty. This movement isn’t without its critics. And, indeed, we need to think critically and carefully about a campaign related to beauty sponsored by a company (Unilever) that sells hygiene and beauty products. At the same time, even as we offer critical feedback, we need, I think, to take seriously the underlying concerns Unilever is unearthing and responses they are suggesting. Which brings me to this very well done – and for this reason also troubling and inspiring – TED Talk by Meaghan Ramsey,...

Success and Gratitude

One of my favorite places to go for moments of inspiration and joy is SoulPancake. A few weeks ago I shared with you the video introduction to their “success series” where they asked people to define what they thought counted as success. Today, a follow-up video where they go a little further by asking people whether they’ve thought about who has helped them become successful. Very few, as it turns out, have. Perhaps that’s not too surprising, as many of us get so busy with work or family or moving toward whatever goal we’ve set or maybe just keeping our heads above water that we don’t take enough time to reflect. So the first...

Preachers, Lunch Ladies, and the Rest of Us Sep17

Preachers, Lunch Ladies, and the Rest of Us

When I first created the weekly “Dear Working Preacher” letter at, I realized almost immediately that there was something I could do for preachers each week that was as important as it was easy: say thank you. All I wanted to do in that last sentence or two was to offer simple recognition of the hard work and dedication that preachers bring to their calling and to let them know that someone noticed…and appreciated it. Interesting, of all the comments and emails I’ve received over the years about the value of that letter, the one thing folks commented on more than anything else were those closing words of...