God, Heretics, and Story: The Weekend Roundup May25

God, Heretics, and Story: The Weekend Roundup

Here are three pieces I enjoyed reading this week but haven’t had time to comment on (yet!) – perhaps they will supply you with some Memorial Day Weekend reading: 1) Jonah Lehrer, author of Imagine: How Creativity Works and How We Decide and one of my favorite science writers, dives into recent research that thinking about God improves self-control. In fact, even when subjects in a psychological test weren’t either a) religious or b) consciously aware that they were thinking about God, they still exercised more self-control when their attention was turned to subjects usually connected with God. In addition to reporting on...

Ken Burns on Story

Stories, as we all know, are powerful. They give us the ability to take amorphous thoughts and feelings and make them concrete and accessible. For this reason, we make sense of and share most of our life in and through story – not just big huge narratives but all the little stories we...

A Story for Tomorrow

I’m not sure just what captured my attention so much about this video. But I think it’s that it didn’t just capture my attention, but my heart and imagination as well. There is something about the videography and narration that is simultaneously, winsome, playful, and...