On Risk and Reward

It’s tempting to want to play it safe, not change until you absolutely have to. Whether you’re a parent, a CEO, head of a division, or pastor, the conventional wisdom is clear: don’t fix what ain’t broke. This approach to leadership is tested, reliable, and trustworthy. But it also has resulted in zero major breakthroughs, breathtaking discoveries, or major advances. Growth – significant and exciting growth – comes from taking a risk, daring to do things differently, mixing up the status quo and, quite frankly, ignoring the conventional wisdom. Consider, for instance, the world of filmed musicals. From Oklahoma and The Sound of...

Kids and Incentives Jul05

Kids and Incentives

If there is one element of parenting that I have consistently found confusing it’s the role of incentives in a child’s life. That is, should we set up concrete and clear goals and rewards for our children? And, if so, when do we offer incentives, for what kinds of activities, and how much? One of the first times (of many!) that this came up for my wife and me was when our kids were a few years into an excellent Suzuki violin program. At the recitals each fall, winter, and spring, kids would be called forward, recognized, and awarded ribbons for practicing for a hundred days (or 200, 300, etc.) of continuous practice. Simple enough, and...