Gravity Oct25


This month’s Fourth Friday Film Forum: Gravity. From the very start of the film Gravity you are aware of two elements of space that we probably know but don’t often think about: 1) the sheer size of outer space and, by extension, the universe, and 2) the utter silence of space. Both of these elements are brought to vivid expression by filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón and serve to elicit one emotional reaction in particular: loneliness. That sense that you are so small as to be insignificant; so absolutely irrelevant in the larger scheme of things; so tiny and powerless in the face of the monumental challenges of life; so utterly...

Dear Reader Oct19

Dear Reader

I am regularly amazed at how unrelentingly and completely relational identity is. I noticed this when my children were old enough to start figuring out who was who in our family. They would say things like, “So Aunt Nancy is Mommy’s sister and Uncle Jim is Daddy’s brother. Grammy is...

Luke 9:23-27

Then he said to them all, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. What does it profit them if they gain the whole...

Trust and the Art of Asking Mar13

Trust and the Art of Asking

I’m not sure what you’ll think of Amanda Palmer. She is, well, different, perhaps particularly from the kinds of folks that usually show up at our churches. (Although perhaps for that very reason we should listen to what she has to say!) She’s a former street performer turned alternative rock icon. She’s known for pushing boundaries…in her art, her appearance, her lifestyle. She’s bold, brash, unconventional, and at times irreverent. But I think she’s also onto something. Something important, something beautiful, something so deeply human that it is also and simultaneously something divine. She is onto the art of being in...

What Is Prayer? Feb04

What Is Prayer?

We had a fantastic discussion about baptism a week or two ago, one from which I am still learning. I’d like in this post to invite another conversation, this time about prayer. In recent years prayer has become more and more important to me. Not just in my own life, but as I think about the...