Leadership Pitfalls: Confusing Process and Product...

This is the first in a series of posts on common leadership pitfalls. When I think about the best leaders I’ve known and seen and when I think about occasions my time – whether in a primary leadership role or not – has been best used or wasted, several themes come into focus. In this first post, I will take up one of the most common leadership pitfalls: confusing good process with actual productivity. I intentionally modify “process” with the adjective “good” because I want to be clear that a) I think attention to process is very important and b) this isn’t a complaint about busyness for busyness sake. Attending with care to...

Give Thanks

So I have a question: How come all these great TED Talks are saying things that Christians should already know? You know what I mean? We’ve seen one talk on why money doesn’t make you happy. And another on how spending money on others brings more satisfaction and joy than...


It’s Monday, the day everything starts over again and we get back to the routine. For some, that’s always a bit of a downer, the antithesis of TGIF. But I have to say that as much as I love my weekends, I always find Monday to be exciting because it brings a new start and new...