Cash for Work in the Philippines May06

Cash for Work in the Philippines

I’m at a meeting of the Board of Lutheran World Relief. So I don’t have a lot of time to write, but I do have a plenty of time to be in awe; in fact, I find myself in awe almost all the time while I’m here. In awe of the faithfulness and effectiveness of this talented, dedicated, and diverse staff that has committed itself to Micah’s injunction to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (6:8); In awe of the reach of the organization as it makes a difference in the lives of people, literally, all over the world. In awe of the impact and responsiveness of LWR to emergency...

Gift-Giving Wisdom from Kid President Dec13

Gift-Giving Wisdom from Kid President

Ever wonder what to get that special someone for Christmas? Especially when that special someone doesn’t particularly need anything? In that case, let Kid President help you out. I’m a huge fan of Kid President and have been enchanted with the story of his struggles, perseverance, and spirit. Today, given that we’re just a little more than 10 days from Christmas, I thought I’d offer you his words of wisdom on giving things that really matter – hugs, love, time, the chance to do something awesome, and the opportunity to make the world a better place. It’s this last one that Kid President gives most of his time to, inviting you to...