Easter 4 B: Hired Hands

John 10:11-18 It’s Good Shepherd Sunday, Dear Partner in Preaching, which means the text before us is a portion of the “Good Shepherd Discourse” found in John 10. This long address follows, and is actually a narrative extension of, the healing of the man born blind in John 9. In light of the failure and spiritual blindness of religious authorities who condemn the healing of a man sightless from birth, Jesus offers himself as a counter example, picking up a theme that runs throughout the Old Testament of God’s good shepherds contrasted with leaders who shirk their responsibility and fail to care for God’s people. This year, we...

Easter 4 B: God is Not Done Yet!

Dear Partner in Preaching, I have, as you likely have, preached more sermons on the tenth chapter of John than almost any other (except perhaps the story of Thomas!), as we read portions of it each year on “Good Shepherd” Sunday. That, I know, can make preaching this text challenging, as we wonder what new element might speak to us and our congregations. But every once in a while, something completely new jumps out of a familiar passage, grabs your attention, and makes you wonder why you hadn’t noticed it before. And that’s what happened this week. It may or may not be what focuses your work, but I offer it in the confidence that you...