Palm Sunday A – The Greater Irony

Dear Partner in Preaching, Have you ever noticed that Palm Sunday isn’t really Palm Sunday anymore? I’m familiar with the variety of liturgical rationales for the change to “Passion Sunday,” not least of which is the practical recognition that if our folks don’t come to Holy Week services they go from glory (triumphal entry) to glory (resurrection). But even with that awareness, I still mourn the loss of what was one of my favorite days of the church year growing up. Processing in with palms, singing “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” hearing the story of Jesus entering the city on a donkey (or colt, or donkey andcolt in...

Pentecost 22 B: Gospel Irony

Mark 10:35-45 Dear Partner in Preaching, I don’t know about you, but I find the irony of this story as painful as it is abundant. Actually, make that plural: ironies. First, and lest we forget the verses just before these, James and John make their secret request to Jesus for greatness just after his third – and most graphic – declaration that he will go to Jerusalem where, among other things, the religious authorities will “mock him, and spit upon him, and flog him, and kill him.” Just what kind of glory are you thinking he’ll be giving you, James and John? Second, two will indeed be seated at Jesus’ right and left in just...