Lincoln Feb15


Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was this past Wednesday, February 12, though we celebrate it this coming Monday, Presidents Day. I like the following poem by David Shumate because it gets at one of the core questions of the man: could he be real? We know stories of Washington, like the famous...

If You Need Inspiration, Watch This Jul19

If You Need Inspiration, Watch This

I can’t embed this video, I can only direct you to it. But I hope you click the link, give the 90 seconds it takes to watch it, and then send it on to others. It’s incredible. The video is a powerful and inspiring preview of the coming Paralympics Games in London later this summer. The Paralympics, if you are not yet familiar with them, is an international competition that includes athletes with motion disabilities, cognitive impairment, blindness, cerebral palsy, and amputations, among other things. The first organized competitions were started by some disabled veterans of World War II and have grown over the last half-century...