Friday Fun: The Dummy of Aberystwyth

Sometimes, you just need to kick back a little and take time to smile. And that’s what this video is about. No deep reflection – or shallow reflections either, for that matter – no symbolism, no ulterior motive, just a little fun. A year or two ago I posted a video by Anton Hecht, an artist and indie filmmaker in Britain who, among many things, specializes in what I would describe as “community art” – making art and film by engaging community members in, for instance, playing the paino in a bus station or playing the harmonica in the cause of civic wellness. Anton got in touch to say thank you and since...

5 Steps to Happiness

From time to time, filmmaker Anton Hecht sends me one of his short films with the request to share it with you. I’m always glad to do so, as he is reliably creative and produces superb and quite enjoyable films. This one – Happiness is a Harmonica – is part of a wellness initiative of a community inviting people to take five steps toward greater health, wellness, and happiness. I’m still not totally sure how playing the harmonica contributes :), although I think that the various people and folks playing it – actually, learning to play it – are engaged in one or more of the various steps. And all of them...

Better Together: The Bus Station Sonata Oct29

Better Together: The Bus Station Sonata

Some things are just better when shared. Like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter evening. Or a movie, couch, and blanket on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Or music, well, just about anytime. In fact, there are few things that bring people together more quickly or deeply than a shared piece of music. The challenge in this day and age, however, is that so few people feel competent to do more than listen. With a generation of budget cuts stripping our schools of music programs, and with a cultural obsession over pop star performances, most people rarely if ever have the chance to actually make music. Where once we were producers of music,...