Do You Feel Called, Pt. 2 Aug22

Do You Feel Called, Pt. 2

Judging by your comments (16) and emails (about double that amount) to the short piece I wrote on vocation last week, I’d say that we all, at the very least, want to feel called. And so I wanted to continue sharing some thoughts on vocation as well as continue inviting your conversation (especially in the comments so all can hear what you’re thinking). In this post, then, three observations I have about vocation in relation to the comments, emails, and dozens of conversations I’ve been privileged to have with folks over the years about their sense of calling. 1) No matter how hard we try, we still often tend to think of “calling”...

What If Money Was No Object Oct15

What If Money Was No Object

The following video shares a portion of an audio interview with the late philosopher Alan Watts that is set creatively to a variety of images. In it he invites us to take seriously a very interesting and, I think, important question: “what would you do with your life if money was no object?” When he starts it seems like a nice question to ask. Like, “wouldn’t it be nice if this were the case.” As he moves on, observing that we can easily end up spending lots of our time on things we don’t enjoy, it becomes an important question. And then when he imagines the way we are teaching our children to choose things they despise by...

The Riddle of Time Oct05

The Riddle of Time

I have a riddle for you. What is more precious than gold but cannot be bought, earned, or saved? Before answering, let me share with you the story of a nearly perfect day. This past Sunday was absolutely beautiful in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, moving from the high fifties as the sun came up to near eighty degrees and sunny by mid-afternoon. After waking up I took our two dogs for a long walk. Then I went to church and enjoyed a great sermon and worship service. Then we threw a kayak on our car and took the family to Lake Harriet (featured in the picture) and while my two kids kayaked, my wife Karin and I walked around the...

Give Thanks

So I have a question: How come all these great TED Talks are saying things that Christians should already know? You know what I mean? We’ve seen one talk on why money doesn’t make you happy. And another on how spending money on others brings more satisfaction and joy than...

The Art of Making

There are few things more satisfying that making something – putting in time and effort and having something tangible, something you can hold in your hands, when you’re finished. Fewer and fewer of us find ourselves doing that kind of work. At the end of the day, there’s isn’t much many of us can hold on to. It doesn’t mean that what we’re doing isn’t worthwhile, important, or have significant consequences; just that the fruits of much of our labor is intangible. Which might explain why I liked the following video so much. In just over three minutes it shows 299 hours of labor – along with a lot of wood, sweat,...