The Mother May11

The Mother

Padraic (or Patrick) Pearse is a controversial figure because of his role in the Easter Rising of 1916 and other activities on behalf of Irish nationalism. He also founded schools, was a poet and author, and devout Roman Catholic. Whatever one thinks of Pearse, it’s hard not to be moved the...

Disney Helps Redefine Princess Jan29

Disney Helps Redefine Princess

I found this recent video produced by Disney interesting, even encouraging. It invites us – and particularly our daughters – to redefine what we mean by the term “princess.” Rather than have our daughters – and, for that matter, our sons as well! – see the ideal girl as a damsel in distress waiting for someone to rescue her, Disney invites them to imagine princesses as real girls, as strong girls, as, quite frankly, real strong girls. There’s an irony here, of course, as few corporations or story-tellers have done more to promote – or profit by – the traditional image of the princess than Disney. Yet in recent movies like...

Moms: You’re Doing Enough This Christmas Nov29

Moms: You’re Doing Enough This Christmas

As of yesterday, we are within four weeks of Christmas. If that thought stresses you ought just a bit, you’re not alone. An untold number of studies say that the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are among the most stressful of the year. And while I think that’s true for all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, I think that’s particularly true for parents. Parents who want to make sure Christmas is great for their kids while also attending to all the usual stuff at work and home and, at this time of the year, trying to please their own siblings and parents as well. And, truth be told, when I say parents, I want to add a...

Clearances 3: A Poem for Mother’s Day May12

Clearances 3: A Poem...

Some things are hard to give fit tribute to. No matter what we may say, it always seems to fall short. On those occasions, I’ve found that it can be better, actually to avoid “giving fit tribute” but instead approach the matter “sideways” by focusing on one concrete detail – of the...