Faith and the Electi...

Three beliefs I hold are central to me as I approach this election. 1) God works through elected officials to care for God’s people and world. Indeed, I would say that God sets up the office of public official for precisely this reason (see Romans 13:1-7). For this reason, elected officials...

Cross Dressing for the Gospel Oct25

Cross Dressing for the Gospel

Okay, face it – you clicked on this post because of its title…or maybe the picture. Either way, indulge me while I set it up. Radio Lab is one of my favorite radio programs that I almost never listen to. Not, I swear, because I don’t love it – it’s just that I rarely find the time to sit and listen – to anything! – for an hour, so even when I download episode after episode most of them sit in my iTunes queue waiting for my next road trip. But this Saturday I happened to be running some errands. A lot of errands. And since most of them involved lots of driving and only minimal in-and-out of the car, I got to listen to most of an...