Is Your Church Using Social Media…

…well? And that matters. Because it’s not just about using social media, but using it well. That is, responding to the Digital Age isn’t just a matter of having a Facebook page or semi-lame (or even pretty good) website. Rather, it’s thinking with care about the variety of channels of communication that are available to us today in order to support our people in their Christian walk. Of course, the very thing that makes this moment so amazing in terms of our ability to share the Gospel and equip people for lives of faith – the nearly uncountable number of communication channels available to us – is precisely that which makes...

Ministry in the Digital Age Feb26

Ministry in the Digital Age

If you’ve read just about anything I’ve written over the last few years, you will know that I’m keenly interested in how the church responds to the challenges and opportunities presented by living in the digital age. What do I mean by “digital age”? Well, various authors and thinkers define it in slightly different ways, but suffice it to say that it’s a world where we receive and increasingly share most of our information – which of course includes our thoughts and beliefs about meaning and identity – via digital platforms. All of which is why I’m so excited to invite you to hear a...

4 Good Articles on the Future of Denominations

It seems like the relative demise of denominations is in the air. Several significant blog posts and articles have been published recently that move forward the argument I made a few weeks ago that denominations may be on the way out, though in somewhat different directions. Before engaging those, though, I want to clarify one thing: I’m not in any sense anti-denominational. That is, I still think denominations do a lot of great work, particularly when it comes to organizing both the needs and strengths of their thousands of congregations. Which means that when it comes to everything from training leaders for the church to organizing...