Silver Linings Playbook and the Art of Being Human Jan24

Silver Linings Playbook and the Art of Being Human

Fourth Friday Film Forum: Silver Linings Playbook To be a person, my friend Andy Root says in his wonderful new book The Relational Pastor, is to be broken. Most of us probably don’t like the sound of that too much, but there is surprising power and freedom in admitting it’s true. For once we stop trying constantly to pretend that we have it all together, that life is just as we want it to be, and that we don’t really need anyone else, then we can open ourselves up to the power of authentic and transformative relationship. While I’ll review Andy’s book more thoroughly soon, I thought of it as I prepared to write about what was one...

Hunger Games Movie Mar24

Hunger Games Movie

It’s not all that uncommon when you go to see the film version of a favorite book to come away disappointed. Sometimes it’s your fault, going in with ridiculously high expectations, perhaps. And sometimes that’s the movie’s fault, tampering with the story or over-doing the special...