Luther, Indulgences, and the 95 Theses Oct31

Luther, Indulgences, and the 95 Theses

Today we continue our look at Martin Luther’s life and teaching, focusing in particular on his objection to the medieval church practice that started the Reformation: the sale of indulgences. Luther expressed his objections to this practice the way scholars have expressed themselves through the centuries: by writing a paper. In this case, that paper was an invitation to debate the practice of selling indulgences that came to be called The 95 Theses, posted in Wittenberg on this day 496 years ago. Two looks, then, at that pivotal event in history. The first is another except from the PBS documentary Martin Luther: Reluctant Revolutionary...

Martin Luther Meets MTV

Today, in case you missed it, is Reformation Day. Yes, yes, I know, it’s also Halloween, and while this obviously figures larger in the popular consciousness than Reformation Day – I see no Reformation-themed decorations in the lawns of our neighborhood! – I’d argue that Reformation Day is still more influential. So, a few quick facts and then a fun video to enhance your celebration. 🙂 Did you know… …That Luther posted his theses in part because of a concern that the vast majority of Christians buying indulgences were being exploited by the wealthy. Theses 88: “Why does the pope, whose wealth today is greater than the...