The Relationship Between Happiness and Gratitude

It’s not to much to say that David Steindl-Rast is the ambassador of gratitude. The Benedictine monk is known worldwide for his teaching of practices of gratitude. “Practices” may actually make it sound more difficult or complex that it needs to be, however, as Brother David’s counsel in this TED Talk is really rather simple. Reminding us of the three instructions we were given as children when approaching a street corner, he tells us to “Stop, look, and go.” Stop – slow down, take a break, pause long enough to take a breath. Look – notice and pay attention to just how many things are given to us freely and without expectation (for such is the heart of gratitude). Go – move back into your life and the world animated by this sense of undeserved privilege and gratitude.

Brother David starts with an assertion that I think often seems counter-intuitive but that I firmly believe is true: it’s not that happy people are grateful, but rather that grateful people are happy. And it struck me at this time of year, when there seems to be so much going on that it can be just dizzying, that this message of practicing gratitude would be just perfect. So whether it’s by listening to a contemporary and fun rendition of Angels We Have High, or listening to either or both of two renditions of The Carol of the Bells, or pausing to enjoy the energy of the Little (Rocking)Drummer Boy, I hope you take time today to stop to notice the many gifts and graces of this life that you may head into the daily responsibilities and opportunities of your life grateful…and happy.

Notes: 1) If you are receiving this post by email you may need to click on the title of the post above to watch the video. 2) If you enjoy Brother David’s Talk, you may also enjoy his meditation on gratitude.