
Advent! My favorite season of the year.

But why?

I’ve been thinking of that of late. Certainly part of it is because Christmas itself is such a wonderful holiday and beautiful celebration. But if that were the only reason, I think I’d say “Christmas is my favorite holiday.” But instead I think of Advent. Why?

I think it’s because of the power of anticipation. Waiting for something, looking forward to something – this is a powerful experience. Birthdays, vacations, holidays – these things are all the better because of the anticipation. In fact, the anticipation is often more powerful than the day itself because it takes all that the day represents and stretches it over time and, all the while, calls us forward with a sense of purpose.

I think that’s why I like Advent so much – it beckons us forward, demanding that we wait and prepare and hope and in this way gracing us with the gift of Christmas for four weeks instead of a single day.

But the key to doing that – to waiting in a culture of immediate gratification, to savoring something (anything!) in the Super-size me world of indulgence – is to slow down for a moment or two and breathe so that we notice all that is around us and savor and seize the present moment.

Toward nurturing that kind of Advent discipline and joy, I am resuming some of the elements of this blog that I most enjoyed last year – and judging by your comments sense that you all enjoyed as well. 🙂 Advent devotions are first, including starting our investigation of Matthew, the longest of the four gospels. But because it would be difficult to examine Matthew’s story of the birth of Jesus – half of which is a genealogy! – for four weeks, I’ll intersperse some readings from the Old Testament that Matthew references and perhaps delve into some of the Advent and Christmas carols that help Matthew tell his story.

(Quick note: I didn’t time my Daily Bread devotions quite right and I’m a chapter away from finishing Luke, so for a couple of days I’ll write both. Yes, I am fairly compulsive that way! :)).

“Unlikely Christmas Carols” will also return, as well as a sampling of whatever musical and digital resources I can find to enliven and enlighten our Advent and give us pause to stop, remember, prepare…and anticipate.

First up: a brief (Gangnam style!) video that invites us to do just that, stop and breathe and prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord. And with it, I bid you a joyous Advent!

Notes: 1) If you are receiving this post by email, you may need to click here to watch the video.
2) For another and slightly more detailed introduction to Advent, you can look at last year’s offering: Advent in Two Minutes.