Contagious Gratitude

Gratitude, it turns out, not only creates more happiness but it’s contagious.

After Soul Pancake released their video on Gratitude – part of their larger series on “The Science of Happiness” – they invited their audience to shoot and upload videos of them sharing their gratitude with the important people in their lives.

The finished product is again moving, poignant, and true. And it is a wonderful way to prepare us for our celebration of Thanksgiving, a time initially appointed to give thanks for the bounty of this land and its free government, but also extended to give thanks for blessings both private and public.

So once again I’ll invite you to watch it – at just under 6 minutes it’s even shorter than the original! – but then also to choose someone in your life to write a brief notes of thanks to and then, if you can, to call and share those words.

Because if gratitude not only creates happiness but also is contagious, then the more we say thank you – and grow happier – the more others will likely also express their gratitude and grow happier, inspiring yet others to do the same…and so on and so on until this world is a much more grateful and happy place!

As you do, know that I am grateful for you, readers of these musings and companions along the way as together we seek to know the God who blesses us with all things and to whom we should return thanks…and yet who I suspect is even more glad when we show our thanks by loving those around us.

Blessed Thanksgiving!

Note: If you are receiving this post by email, you may need to click here to watch the video.