Free e-Book on the Cross

My friend and fellow Twin Citian theologian Tony Jones wrote a short ebook on the cross last year. Called A Better Atonement, it’s a relatively quick read – as far as theology books go! – and gets at the question of the meaning and significance of the cross in relation to the disputed theory of original sin. Didn’t know “original sin” was a disputed theory? All the more reason to pick up Tony’s book. While Tony and I hold in common a number of views on the cross, his book differs from my Making Sense of the Cross by starting with the concept of original sin and covering briefly a few more theories of atonement than I do (I group most of the various theories into 3 school whereas he tackles them individually). The book is characterized by Tony’s typical combination of insight and attitude (in the best way!), and I certainly learned something from reading it and hope you might, too. If you’re interested, you can find out everything you need to know to download it free here. But hurry, the offer, as far as I can tell, is only good today!