How Do We Know What’s Holding Us Back?

Do you have three minutes? Then watch this video and afterward ask yourself a simple question.

The video is about Tommy Carroll. Tommy’s a skateboarder. A good skateboarder. Which means he’s got great balance, and loves a little risk, and falls down from time to time, only to get back up and skate some more. In all these ways, Tommy’s not that unusual from a lot of other kids who love to skateboard.

But though Tommy’s been skateboarding since he was ten, he’s been blind since he was two.


Tommy skateboards by sound. But while that makes him unusual, I’m still not sure that’s what sets him apart. Because I think what makes Tommy Tommy is that somewhere along the way he decided that he wouldn’t be limited by expectations, not the expectations of others or of himself.

Which brings me back to my simple question. What is it that’s limiting you? What is that’s holding you back?

And then one more, the real question I want to ask, one of the simplest and most important I think any of us can ask: How do you know?

How do you know if what you think is limiting you really is unless you try, unless you take some risks, unless you fall down and get back up again.

So think about what you believe is limiting you from doing what you really want to do, or going after a dream, and taking the risk of your life. And then ask yourself how you really know. Because, who knows, maybe it doesn’t have to.

BRAVE from EyEFORcE on Vimeo.

Notes: 1) If you are receiving this post by email, you may need to click here to watch this post.
2) Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for highlighting this great video.