Calling the Disciples

What would prompt you to leave everything and take up something new? Home, family, friends – what would prompt you to leave it all behind? A new job, a great opportunity, the prospect of a wonderful relationship? What?

In the story of the tremendous catch of fish and the calling of the disciples, all these questions and more are on the table. Except that we don’t often talk about them. We just assume that, well, these are the disciples. Of course they leave to follow Jesus. After all, this is Jesus.

But did they know that? What did they sense or wonder? What did they hope? What were they really leaving behind, and why? Was it about the past, something they were wanting to get beyond, or was it about the future, something they hoped for?

We don’t know for sure. But we’re invited to ask. And that’s what happens in this week’s Bible Story Jam on Luke 5:1-11, as the participants take the time to hug the details and ask some new questions.

We’re invited to do that, too. We’re invited ask these questions about the disciples. And we’re invited to ask these questions about ourselves.

Bible Story Jam – Luke 5:1-11 from Ben Cieslik on Vimeo.

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