Sleep: Your Turn

Yesterday we look at our kids and sleep, but what about us? I don’t know too many people these days who complain about being over-slept and a lot who either talk about what little sleep they get or send those emails at 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. that let us all know just how late they were up.

So here are two pieces on the importance of sleep not just for kids but for their parents and, for that matter, all adults.

The first, by Arianna Huffington, is a brief and funny TEDTalk.

The secondĀ is an article from a computer programmer on how he changed his life to get more sleep from Good, one of my favorite websites. If you want to know more about the dangers of sleep deprivation for adults, he references pieces from The Harvard Business Review and the New York TimesĀ Magazine that will give you plenty of detail.

So enjoy the articles…and get some sleep!