
Adam Walker Cleveland writes a thoughtful blog about theology, ministry, and technology called “Pomomusings.” Recently he’s been collecting the essays of folks from a variety of corners of what’s sometimes called “the Emergent Church” to answer two questions:

1: What is one belief, practice or element of Christianity that must die so that Christianity can move forward and truly impact the world in the next 100 years?

2: What is one belief, practice or element of Christianity that we must hold onto and live out more fully so that Christianity can move forward and truly impact the world in the next 100 years?

I love those questions and would invite each of us to imagine and re-imagine what would help the Church thrive not just now, but into the coming future.

So, what would you save, and what would you discard, for the sake of the Church’s witness? Comment here or on Adam’s site – you can find the ongoing collection of essays here.